Saturday, November 7, 2009

muncul kembali...

salam semua.. (^_^)

sudah lama benar meninggalkan blog ini. memandangkan saya sudah pon bekerja di USJ sekarang, maka kerja baking-membaking nih dah terhenti seketika. tunggu time raya or balik Sungai Petani je dapat baking lagik. iye la, umah sewa bujang.. kosong je. hihi

oh ye, masa raya ari tu ade bt biskut yg dah blajar dari previous kelas. bt 2 jenis je. Granola Fruit Bar & Cheesy Custard Cheese. Dan x lupe jugak brownies yg sedap.

hari raya ke-3 & ke-5 kalau xsilap ade bt makan-makan. masa raya ke-5 tetibe  terase nak bt brownies. ekceli sbb ade sedara cakap dia nak dtg if only sy bt kek coklat mcm ari tu. dia nak mkn kek yg sy penah bt dulu??? bile mase pulak die merase nih. rupa2nya mak dah bawak balik kampung skit kek ari tu.

ok la, xsmpat nk buat choc cake ari tu, so bt brownies je memandangkan brownies nih sgt sng nk dibuat. Let me share the recipe with u all k.... (^_^)


100g butter
40g cocoa powder

60g self-raising flour
180g castor sugar (sy lebih suka ltk half sukatan sbb xnak manis sgt)
2 eggs
50g chocolate chips
50g walnut (optional.x letak pon xpe)
1/2 tsp vanilla essence


1. Melt butter in a pan on slow fire. Once melted, add the cocoa powder & mix well. (This also called as cocoa butter) Then put aside.
2. Whisk sugar, eggs & vanilla essence. Then add in flour & stir slowly.
3. Then add the cocoa butter into the mixture. Stir slowly.
4. Finally add the chocolate chips & walnut.
5. Bake in the oven at 170C for about 30 minutes.

Thursday, May 14, 2009 comment...

No wonder la xde comments kt entry sebelum2 nih.
Ter disablekan comment lak.
mintak org share tips or cdgn tapi leh pulak xperasan ruangan comment xde.
maaf yer.
Kepada sesapa yg nk komen or share tips leh la nyatakan di ruangkan komen or shoutmix.
nak share resipi pon boleh.

...choc cake...

Kek ini dilapisi dgn ganache yg tebal.
3 kali proses mencurahkan ganache.
Curah masuk fridge biar keras skit coklat yg cair tu, then ulang proses ini lagi 2 kali.
Lepas tu ditambahkan lagi ganache di keliling bwh dan atas kek.
Memang sesuai untuk pecinta coklat or choc freak.

Chocolate cake

Friday, May 8, 2009

...happy mother's day...

Feels like want to give it a try when zaitgha recommend carrot cake if I want to bake a cake for old folks.
I made a carrot cake yesterday.
As usual, my deco skill still bad.
When I deco it this morning, the laziness mood is around.
Yesterday I plan to deco a carrot on top.
But today I’m too lazy to mix the color.
I’m too lazy to do it properly.

And the result is as below:

...see!! the wording also W-H-I-T-E in color :P ...

to my mom:


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

moist choc cake

First try of moist choc cake.
Batter is quite thin. like a liquid.
Cream filling between two layer of the cake & choc on the outside.

How bout the taste??
I dunno. Either good or horrible in taste.
My mom brought this cake to her workplace this morning.
If the taste is horrible then I’m so sorry.
Well, this is my first try of this recipe.
It is still in experiment phase. :P

Overall, I’m not so satisfied with the result.
Need to try another recipe.
So, let’s google.

...flower sugar paste & silver sugar...



Sunday, May 3, 2009

...3rd creampuff...

Another creampuff has been made this morning.
Using cream filling.
Cream need to be prepared a day before or at night because it has to refrigerate until dool at least 4 hours before u fold into the whipped cream.

Order from Miss Fairuz. I made a B-I-G creampuff for her. She got shocked when she looks at the puff. Actually it is not too big. Not GIANT in size. Just medium. :)

Well, tomorrow I will make another creampuff.
Using orange/lemon filling and small in size. :p

For me, making the creampuffs is quite troublesome. Need to be really careful when u bake it. Anyway, practice makes perfect! Keep trying!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

...another try...

Try to make a cake.
Chocolate cake.
Divided into 2 layer and put the buttercream between the layer.
Try to do some deco.
But the deco was not so nice.
Still needs a lot of practice.
So, Keep practicing.

Chocolate Cake
Flower Gumpaste
Buttercream Icing

Sunday, April 26, 2009

...blueberry cheese tart...

Proses cuba-cuba giat berlangsung skrg.
Tadi baru je siap buat blueberry cheese tart.
Cuba-cuba yg agak memuaskan hati jgk la.
Guna blurberry jem jer.
Da hbs bakar baru teringat ade buah blueberry sebijik2 dlm fridge.
Adeh! Pape pon satisfied.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

blueberry cheese custard tart

Saje test. Simple je rupa.
Tak drizzle dengan blueberry choc pon kat atas.
Overall, sedap jgk.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Last weekend pegi kelas buat biskut.
Dibawah adalah 12jenis biskut yg diajar.
Raya nnt boleh la buat.
If rajin bleh mulakan perniagaan kecil-kecilan.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

...2nd creampuff...

Well, this is my 2nd recipe of my creampuff.
This is the other recipe I got from a website.
Not the previous one.
This recipe uses 5 eggs so it is quite sticky.
And when you pipe it using star nozzle, the pattern won’t be as my 1st recipe.
You have to be very careful when bake it.
According to the recipe, after 1 minute of baking, u have to reduce the heat.
Do not reduce the heat immediately if u already bakes it for more than errr… (When it rise already, just reduce slowly or the puff will straightly become flatten.)

I filled in the lemon filling using the nozzle (I dunno what it called but it smthg long like injection needle). Previous one I only cut it horizontally and put the filling in it.

So here it is… creampuff with lemon filling inside.


Saturday, April 18, 2009


sungai petani,kedah.

cakes, cupcakes, tarts, creampuffs, brownies etc.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


As usual, I got nothing to do. Went into the kitchen and try to make creampuff. Results are as below. Actually I got the recipe from the internet. But I think I should modify the recipe la. As you all know, not all the recipes are 100% guaranteed to be super-delicious. So you need to try and modify it. After I’ve tried this recipe, I add some ingredients. And I think next try would be better than the original recipe I got from the internet. Hehe

...looking for not so sweet cake?...

12 april hari tu besday ayah. Konon2 mahu surprise la. Tak wish pon kat dia. Senyapp2 je buat kek. Hajat di hati mahu buat blackforest cake. Tapi atas sebab2 tertentu, last2 buat ikut resipi sendiri jer. Hehe

Kek ditengah adalah superfine pound cake, while yg coklat tu adalah ganache. Di pipe-kan sikit menggunakan cream cheese frosting. Dkt atas tu pulak diletakkan ceri. Memandangkan family saya tak suka yang manis2, so sy xbuat cherry syrup. So kek nih memang la kurang manis.

So kepada my dad, we would like to wish u…



Tengah2 bosan masa malam pilihanraya, laju saje kaki melangkah ke dapur. Rasa nak buat brownies. 1st time try resipi yg ini.

Brownies ni ditambah dengan choc chip. Tapi memandangkan milk-choc chip ade lagik, so guna milk-choc chip je dulu. Brownies ni sgt soft di dalam dan yang best tu, kat atas dia crunchy. Selepas beberapa hari pon still crunchy lagik. Best makan. Hehe