Thursday, May 14, 2009 comment...

No wonder la xde comments kt entry sebelum2 nih.
Ter disablekan comment lak.
mintak org share tips or cdgn tapi leh pulak xperasan ruangan comment xde.
maaf yer.
Kepada sesapa yg nk komen or share tips leh la nyatakan di ruangkan komen or shoutmix.
nak share resipi pon boleh.

...choc cake...

Kek ini dilapisi dgn ganache yg tebal.
3 kali proses mencurahkan ganache.
Curah masuk fridge biar keras skit coklat yg cair tu, then ulang proses ini lagi 2 kali.
Lepas tu ditambahkan lagi ganache di keliling bwh dan atas kek.
Memang sesuai untuk pecinta coklat or choc freak.

Chocolate cake

Friday, May 8, 2009

...happy mother's day...

Feels like want to give it a try when zaitgha recommend carrot cake if I want to bake a cake for old folks.
I made a carrot cake yesterday.
As usual, my deco skill still bad.
When I deco it this morning, the laziness mood is around.
Yesterday I plan to deco a carrot on top.
But today I’m too lazy to mix the color.
I’m too lazy to do it properly.

And the result is as below:

...see!! the wording also W-H-I-T-E in color :P ...

to my mom:


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

moist choc cake

First try of moist choc cake.
Batter is quite thin. like a liquid.
Cream filling between two layer of the cake & choc on the outside.

How bout the taste??
I dunno. Either good or horrible in taste.
My mom brought this cake to her workplace this morning.
If the taste is horrible then I’m so sorry.
Well, this is my first try of this recipe.
It is still in experiment phase. :P

Overall, I’m not so satisfied with the result.
Need to try another recipe.
So, let’s google.

...flower sugar paste & silver sugar...



Sunday, May 3, 2009

...3rd creampuff...

Another creampuff has been made this morning.
Using cream filling.
Cream need to be prepared a day before or at night because it has to refrigerate until dool at least 4 hours before u fold into the whipped cream.

Order from Miss Fairuz. I made a B-I-G creampuff for her. She got shocked when she looks at the puff. Actually it is not too big. Not GIANT in size. Just medium. :)

Well, tomorrow I will make another creampuff.
Using orange/lemon filling and small in size. :p

For me, making the creampuffs is quite troublesome. Need to be really careful when u bake it. Anyway, practice makes perfect! Keep trying!