Well, this is my 2nd recipe of my creampuff.
This is the other recipe I got from a website.
Not the previous one.
This recipe uses 5 eggs so it is quite sticky.
And when you pipe it using star nozzle, the pattern won’t be as my 1st recipe.
You have to be very careful when bake it.
According to the recipe, after 1 minute of baking, u have to reduce the heat.
Do not reduce the heat immediately if u already bakes it for more than errr… (When it rise already, just reduce slowly or the puff will straightly become flatten.)
I filled in the lemon filling using the nozzle (I dunno what it called but it smthg long like injection needle). Previous one I only cut it horizontally and put the filling in it.
So here it is… creampuff with lemon filling inside.